Dental emergencies or toothaches can occur anytime anywhere. It is best to know some quick tips to handle a dental emergency.
Our team at Heritage Dental Group in Indooroopilly is here to help you.
If you are enjoying a weekend away or are on holiday, it is important to know how to respond to an emergency dental situation. We have put together few common emergency causes and how to handle them before you get an appointment with your Indooroopilly emergency dentist. As we are aware, you can’t replace a professional dentist but still a quick response to the dental emergency can save you from unnecessary pain, discomfort, losing your tooth and can improve the chances of your fast recovery.
How to relieve a toothache?
Do I need to book emergency dental appointment?
If you suddenly started experiencing toothache or sensitivity, please do the following:
- Gently rinse your mouth with warm water.
- Apply cold compress or ice pack to the outside of your cheek where you feel the pain.
- Take pain relief medication like Panadol or Neurofen.
- Contact your dentist to schedule emergency appointment asap.
- If your dental office is not open, leave a message or email them so that they can contact you as soon as possible.
- In case of dental emergency which is unbearable, and nothing is helping, you can also contact your nearest emergency dentist open after hours or contact the Hospital.
What to do with a cracked chipped tooth?
If you have chipped your tooth or tooth or filling is broken by an injury or trauma, you should contact your dentist immediately. If your tooth is chipped, its not giving you any pain or discomfort, you should still see your dentist as soon as possible as a damaged or broken tooth is at risk of decay and can further damage.
- Rinse your mouth gently with warm water.
- Apply gauze if your gums are bleeding for 10 minutes.
- Contact to see your dentist as soon as possible.
- For sharp tooth, chew sugar free gum and let it sit over the sharp edge.
How to reduce swelling?
If your mouth is swollen from toothache, wisdom teeth eruption, please do the following:
- Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the outside of your cheek this will help in reducing the swelling and alleviate pain.
- Contact your dentist as soon as possible as you might need antibiotic to treat the infection.
What if there is something stuck in-between my teeth?
Sometimes while eating food, we feel like something is stuck in-between our teeth. In that case try the following:
- Rinse your mouth.
- Floss your teeth gently.
- Do not use any sharp objects as this can damage your soft tissue and tooth enamel.
- See your dentist immediately.
What to do if you lose a filling or have a loose filling in your tooth?
Seeing your dentist right away is the best tip. If you feel that your dental filling is loose or coming out, follow the below tips:
- You can cover the loose filling with sugar free gum but do not sleep with chewing gum in your mouth. Use sugar free gum as sugar in the gum can cause pain and increase the risk of decay to your exposed tooth.
- Try to see your emergency dentist as soon as possible.
- Some pharmacies sell dental cement which can we used directly on to your tooth before you can go and see the dentist, only do this if you know how to use it and you can’t get to the dentist as soon as possible.

My dental crown is loose or dental crown is fallen off, what to do?
If your dental crown is loose or came off, never try to put back with any glue or cement.
- See your dentist as soon as possible.
- Keep the dental crown in a box or bag.
- While eating or chewing try to avoid that side, eat soft foods.
- If its loose, make sure you don’t swallow it, see your dentist immediately.
What to do if my cheek, tongue, or lip is bleeding?
If you have accidentlly bitten your tongue or lip while eating, please follow the below tips:
- Rinse your mouth with warm salty water (Salt water can cause pain but will save you from any infection).
- Apply ice pack on the outside of your cheek.
- Apply gauze to stop bleeding for couple of minutes.
- If the bleeding continues, please contact your dentist as soon as possible.
My tooth is knocked out, what to do?
If you are an adult and tooth is knocked out completely, follow the following tips:
- If tooth is still attached to the gums, try to push it back in the socket.
- If it doesn’t fit, don’t try to force the tooth back into the socket, just store it in some milk.
- Take painkillers to alleviate pain.
- Put a clean piece of gauze to stop bleeding.
- Contact your dentist as soon as possible for an emergency dental appointment.
If your child has knocked out their tooth, you should:
- Store the tooth in milk.
- Give child some painkillers to help with pain.
- Contact your dentist immediately.
- Ask your child to bite on some gauze to stop bleeding.

How to prevent dental emergencies?
Dental emergencies can happen anytime anywhere. Always follow your dentist’s advice to look after your teeth and gums.
Prevention is better than cure. Always save your dentist’s contact number in your phone if need a quick chat.
- Avoid hard lollies and chewing on ice.
- Do not open bottles or packaging with your mouth.
- Wear a mouthguard while training or playing contact sports.
- Always see your dentist regularly to fix any problems.
- If you are experiencing any pain or sensitivity, see your dentist asap.
Contact your dentist or dentist near you as soon as possible.
Are you due for a dental check-up? Contact your Indooroopilly dentist to schedule an appointment on 38783384 or Book Your Appointment Now
Sometimes we keep putting off going to the dentist as we are not experiencing any pain or problems with our teeth, but it is always best to see your dentist 12 monthly for regular dental check and clean. In this appointment your Indooroopilly dentist will be able to detect any problems at the start and ask you to follow some oral hygiene tips to prevent further damage.
See our Emergency Indooroopilly dentists at Heritage Dental Group Indooroopilly and keep your smile healthy for life.
Contact your Indooroopilly emergency dentist or dentist near you as soon as possible.